All children are entitled to a fair chance and good care.

Mentally and/or physically disabled children in particular have a hard time in West Africa. Ka Dounia Dia aims to help these children to take their own deserved place in society.

The Ka Dounia Dia foundation has no overhead. Board members are not compensated and pay their own travel expenses; all funds raised are used exclusively for the targetgroup.

vive la vie // celebrate life // leve het leven

ln 2012 KDD financed in collaboration with the Lilianefonds Den Bosch / Netherlands the construction of a day center for mentally disabled children in Bamenda / Cameroon. The building ,completed since 2013, receives daily between 120 and 140 children for manual therapy and social activities. Starting in 2014 KDD provides twice yearly medical missions to the Don Orione hospital in Bonoua /lvory Coast. At the origin the collaboration started with the medical staff of the Saint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen/ Netherlands and in the meantime orthopedic surgeons anesthetists and operation assistants from other Dutch and Belgium hospitals joined the pool. 

Today the team consists of around 25 volunteers who use their proper holidays in order to operate for a two week period in Africa free of charge KDD pays for their tickets vaccinations visa, medical equipment if needed and organizes their local stay. Since 2014 eight missions have been accomplished and over 200 children operated. ln October 2017 a first mission was organized to Ouagadougou / Burkina Faso as well in cooperation with Don Orione.


Objective/policy plan

Providing medical help and financial support for children in West Africa with physical and/or mental disabilities. Carrying out everything related to this or that could be conducive to this in the broadest sense.

It is difficult to change our world but we can and will change one child‘s destiny.