The fourth mission of KDD was performed under difficult circumstances. Randolph Bath ,real engine of our association, suffered a serious stroke and is still recovering in a reeducation center in Holland.
Just two days after our passage a terrorist attack in Grand Bassam killed 18 people and injured many others all this in a restaurant where we had lunch only two days before. It goes without saying the whole team was terribly shocked only to discover a week later this also can happen so much closer to home ( Bruxelles)

Nevertheless the mostly Belgium team ( Jan Vermeiren Koen Vervoort Patrick Martens and Dutch Saskia Gulikers ) did a great job in operating with the local Ivorian team 8 full days during which 26 patients were treated of which 22 small children ( clog feet O and X legs and some amputations).
Some of the scheduled interventions had to be cancelled due to the poor health of the patients. As usual Ivorian specialists dr Monsia and dr Claude and their team cooperated full hearted during those two weeks. Father Riccardo is having a sabbatical year in Italy and father Angelo was taking care of us while coordinating interventions.A short trip to Korhogo was organised to check on status of the parcel bought by Don Orione together with KDD for their common health project.
Finally the slow Ivorian administration is finalizing the proces and documents seem to be in order. Having said this the project will probably suffer setbacks due to circumstances earlier mentioned. A very punctional mission is programmed for May 2016 as dr Dick van der Schaaf will coach dr Claude for a two week period.
KDD would like to try to send another full mission in September 2016 if the local situation allows without putting in jeopardy the safety.

KDD expresses one more its wholehearted thanks to all members of the mission who are willing to offer their free time but professional support to these kids who without these missions would probably be refrained from medical assistance.
Chapeau bas, merci encore !