After the first successful mission in October 2017 to Ouagadougou the team decided to maintain the planned trip to Ouagadougou not withstanding the terrorist attack a few days before while maintaining very low profile once in the country.
Orthopedic chirurgiens Ton van Loon Dick van der Schaaf anesthesist Rob Steur and instrumentalist Jolanda van Eijkelenborg received a very warm welcome in Burkina with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.
For a first time the team was assisted by two young local chirurgiens , dr. Almamy Kire from Bamako Mali and dr. Joel Bonkian from Burkina Faso both having just finished their studies in Senegal.
On top of this very positive development Professor Da from the university of Ouagadougou did send 3 students ,third year spécialisation traumatology, to join the operations. Although a great number of children were helped ( 32 in total ) we feel a more detailed preparation might result in bringing the total above 40 the next mission which is planned for 14-28 October 2018.
KDD thanks the whole medical team ( in the broadest sense ) of Paul VI for their outstanding enthusiastic support and of course the Dutch volunteers which makes this all happen in the first place.